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Dry Needling


What is dry needling?
Dry needling is a method of releasing tight muscles, tendon and fascia, using very fine acupuncture type needles that are inserted briefly into the muscle.  Specifically, the practitioner is looking for a trigger point which is the part of the muscle that has formed a contracted knot and limits flexibility. 

One of the goals of dry needling is to create a local twitch response in the muscle.   This is the muscle contracting and releasing, with a subsequent release of chemicals from the muscle that were holding it in a state of tension.  Using a fine acupuncture style needle allows deeper parts of the body to be accessed, leading to quicker resolution of symptoms.  

Benefits of Dry Needling

  • Release of contracted knot in muscle fibers, increasing flexibility
  • Increased blood flow and oxygen to the muscle tissues
  • Stimulation of the pain-gate theory, creating immediate pain relief
  • Stimulates bodies natural pain relievers
  • Provides a significant sensory stimulation that can help create improved movement efficiency and awareness, flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Increase blood flow and entry of healing chemicals in the area that stimulates the healing process

Dry needling is the first choice for many professional and Olympic athletes, runners and Cross Fit athletes who get huge benefits from dry needling, as opposed to regular massage and stretching.

Conditions in which dry needling can be of particular use:

Back Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder pain
Runners knee, patello-femoral syndrome
Hip flexor tightness
Calf strains
Hamstring, gluteal and adductor tightness
Headaches and postural pain
Tennis and Golfers Elbow
Plantar fasciitis
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Shin splints
TMJ tension